A CryoDAO Project

Cryoprotective Agent (CPA) Repository for Researchers and Medicinal Chemists

Cryoprotective Agent (CPA) Repository for Researchers and Medicinal Chemists
Eli Mohamad
Kai Micah Mills
Austin Lynch
Dr. Barry L. Bentley



Project Overview


Cryoprotective Agents (CPAs) and CPA solutions are essential elements of the cryopreservation process of biological materials, helping prevent damage caused by ice crystal formation at low temperatures. However, there isn’t a currently known compound that does this perfectly, yet. The discovery of new CPAs is therefore fundamental in advancing the field. It is a complex process that involves a combination of biological understanding, chemical synthesis, and rigorous testing.

There is currently no central repository of all known CPAs and data on their mechanisms of action and limitations, hindering scientists and medicinal chemists in the discovery of new, and review of existing CPAs.


This proposal aims to fund a project that will:

  1. Design, build, and publish the first modern, dynamically updated, searchable CPA repository, owned by CryoDAO
  2. Create the first IP-NFT in the DeSci ecosystem from a fully internally funded and implemented project, with no third parties involved

In line with the provisions in the CryoDAO Constitution (CRYO-7), this would be our first internally incubated scientific effort, resulting in a research tool that would enable faster progress in cryobiology, cryopreservation, and related fields.

It’s important to note that before writing this proposal, we sought feedback on the idea of a repository from several scientists in the cryobiology field, all of whom have confirmed that there is a significant market need for this solution. In addition to cryobiology, there are other markets where CPAs are incredibly important, such as aircraft ($1.17 billion, 5% CAGR globally) and road de-icing ($1.5 billion, 4% CAGR globally); frost damage mitigation for crops ($1.2 billion, 6% CAGR globally), and anti-aging skincare cosmetics ($42 billion, 6% CAGR globally).

Private companies in these fields have historically been willing to pay for tools that enable even minimal incremental advances, thus opening the potential for this project to eventually greatly contribute to our Treasury sustainability, should our DAO Members decide to expand it into offering paid, customized access to users. Access to technical databases may be priced at tens of thousands of dollars.

Our Stewards are uniquely qualified to manage a project of this magnitude internally in addition to their existing duties, and thus no additional funding for salaries or project management is required. All of the funds requested will be used for database development, information gathering, and database operational costs.


Launch of the Database: six months from the official launch.
Launch of the IP-NFT: up to six months from the database launch, depending on market dynamics.


Dr. Barry L. Bentley
CryoDAO Stewards


Medicinal chemist researcher: $15,000 for the duration of the project
Database/web Developers: $15,000, for the duration of the project
Design: $12,000
Reviewers/test users: 5 x 20h @100$ = $10,000

Total: 52,000 USDC

Note: Legal and compliance for the IP-NFT will be covered by the approved yearly budget administered by the Operations Workgroup, not by any budget within this project. Hosting will be covered by the same budget.

In addition to the above, a budget of 25,000 CRYO is sought for community rewards. Any unused funds, be it $CRYO or $USDC, will be returned to the Treasury.

If necessary the Project Manager may redistribute funds from budget lines, but only if it’s within the total budget. Any extension to the budget must be approved by a separate vote.

50% of funds raised through the IPT sale will become immediately available for the CryoDAO Treasury unless otherwise determined. The rest will become the operating budget for the Sub-DAO created through the IP-NFT, and the Sub-DAO token holders may decide the use of such proceeds, pursuant to the use being in line with CRYO-7 and legally compliant.


Scientific effort

  • A) Comprehensive literature review
  • B) Identification of tested CPAs and solutions
  • C) Proposal and design of data standards; standardization of entries
  • D) Identification of missing data for each entry
  • E) Identification of private companies in the field and the solutions
    in commercialization
  • F) Identification and proposal of yet untested CPAs and solutions
  • G) Review with qualified medicinal chemist and CryoDAO Scientific Advisory Board

Technical Development

  • H) Database development
  • I) Data entry
  • J) Frontend design
  • K) Functional testing with volunteer scientists/users
  • L) Continuous review
  • M) Launch


  • N) Legal and Compliance
  • O) Technical development
  • P) Visuals and design
  • Q) Launch

Note: In order to be useful to scientists and chemists, this needs to be a very high-end, scalable, technical database.


Several IP-NFTs have been successfully launched in the DeSci ecosystem. Our yearly Strategic Plan (CRYO-12) mandates us to launch at least two IP-NFTs.

IP-NFT stands for “Intellectual Property Non-Fungible Token” and represents an on-chain registration of intellectual property (IP) rights. In the case of this project, CryoDAO would - as the sole funder and owner of the database, transfer all of the IP associated with it into an IP-NFT.

A sub-DAO, (a membership commons separate from CryoDAO) would then be launched, and attached to the IP-NFT. The commons is meant to benefit our particular community, facilitating cooperative management and commercialization of collective IP, and above all else benefit our current token holders from the work we do through CryoDAO.

IPTs (Intellectual Property Tokens) would then be minted, representing membership in the new DAO, and giving governance rights to token holders on the IP attached to the IP-NFT. Token holders can therefore vote on further development, commercialization, licensing, joint ventures, etc. IPTs grant governance rights over IP usage terms, not ownership or economic benefits deriving from the IP, such as royalties.

It is expected that a portion of the IPTs will be sold in a funding round or auction in order to raise funds for further development and commercialization of the project. A portion of the proceeds may go to ensuring there is a liquidity pool available. If multiple options for the commercialization of the database are available upon project completion (e.g. a company or university wants to acquire the database in full, a joint venture with a publisher is available, etc), a separate governance proposal will be launched before pursuing the IP-NFT.

The IP-NFT content and process will have to be approved by the DAO counsel for compliance prior to launch.